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2013 September Minutes

Salem Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Tuesday, September 17, 2013 at 6:45pm
Meeting Location:       5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Chair James Shea, Leslie Tuttle and Amy Everitt, Bob Callahan, Chris Burke
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Karen Partanen, Department of Parks and Recreation, Bill McHugh, Ellen Talkowsky, Michael Marsille, Kirsten LaGreca, Amy “Gypsy” Ravish, Alex Spear
Recorder:       Marsha Finkelstein

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting is called to order by Chairman Shea at 6:49pm

Approval of August minutes

Callahan – Everitt


Bill McHugh – Harbor Master, Winter Storage

Program has gone very well. Stated that Mayor and Chief of Police presented proposal for a revolving account for the dept.  Up to 30k can be spent on capital expenditures.

Float storage program lease agreement has been very successful. Was structured through North Shore Marina.  They’re responsible for taking care of the boats and cleaning the parking lot in the fall and spring.  Compared to other communities, Salem does it different and has low impact on the environment.

North Shore Marine is a private company that’s been bonded. Brings in about 40k a year

Callahan asked how much from floats and McHugh stated that it was about $7,000.

McHugh added that there’s a lobsterman at Winter Island and has 800 traps. Takes traps out from September? To March.  The guy wants to store the traps there.  Wants to rent the space by the Hanger.  

Shea asked about the smell and McHugh replied that if they’re cleaned it’s not an issue.

McHugh added that for their own floats are taken up, any order comes from city floats.

Shea asked about the trade off to clean city floats and McHugh said this is difficult logistically.  

Shea inquired about lobster trap storage and wanted to know the payback to the parks.  McHugh replied that it was whatever the Commission wanted to do and suggested dates be set - Nov 1st and out by May 1st.  McHugh recommended the fees be $1.50 per trap (about $1,000 for those few months) and prefers to have the lobsterman at Winter Island than McCabe Marina.

Burke asked what’s happening to boats and cleaning and McHugh responded that they have to clean, scrape and wrap properly.  He added that owners paint in the spring and that they seem to do things very well.

Callahan asked about how do issues are handled and McHugh replied that they are dealt with directly or they can’t come back.  McHugh also stated that the details are added into the contract that anyone after the deadline is required to pay the RV rate of $55 a day which is a good deterrent and has worked very well.

Tuttle said that when we initially approved the boats being there, there was a use of a sander to capture the dust.  McHugh added that many of the boat owners are using filters, but most use a drop cloth.

Callahan commented to McHugh that he seems satisfied and McHugh responded that they’re doing ok.  McHugh added that he moved the date to October 1st.

Burke asked if McHugh expects more boats this year and McHugh said yes, that the growth is about 5-7 and he currently has about 10 reservations with money/confirmed.

Tuttle commented that in the spring, tell them Park and Rec is really on McHugh for the toxins of the sanding.  

Shea wants to make sure they keep up the requirements about sanding.

Callahan commented that the trap storage would be the same as boat storage.  McHugh responded that he doesn’t care if the City gets the money or if that money goes to Winter Island.  There was some talk of purchasing a sander with the money.

Partanen suggested putting the money in an account to be used for the revolving account for Winter Island and McHugh asked that it not be more than what’s generated from the trap revenue.

Tuttle motions to approve and Everitt seconds.  Passes unanimously.  November 1st – April 15th.

Ellen Talkowsky – Haunted Happenings

Hawthorne Boulevard for the Biz Baz and Oct 31st for vendors and entertainment.  

Use of Franklin Park for fireworks

Events on the Common

Shea wants to know if a lot of the things are the same and Talkowsky said they’ve been working with Salem Common Neighborhood Associations.  3 of 4 weekends they’re doing a profit sharing with the company running the events for the children’s events.  SCNA is helping staff the rides.  After they meet their threshold, the SCNA gets a percentage.

Shea asked about the mission and what the money goes to/back to the Common and expressed concern that profits go back to the Common.

Talkowsky stated that City of Salem is giving nonprofits a chance to fundraise.  The weekend is open because The Gathering is not doing anything.

Callahan asked how SCNA get the exclusive right to that money and Talkowsky responded that it is from the company running the event.  Callahan suggested that the money be given to Park & Rec.

Burke clarified that they’re using people/volunteers to staff the children’s activities.

General discussion about why this was this only offered to the SCNA than other groups or nonprofit organizations.

Burke commented that it seems like the Park & Rec Commission doesn’t have control over this.

Shea added that we give them the license and they can do whatever they want.

Talkowsky responded that the license goes to City of Salem and not the vendor.

Shea suggested that for next year, let’s give other groups a chance.

Talkowsky responded that the City is working on creating good events for families that benefits everyone all around.

Tuttle commented that SCNA has taken on the biggest burden of these events and that they are putting it back into the community.

Shea added that we’ll leave this up to Talkowsky to sort out for next year (another nonprofit).  Will be meeting tomorrow night with 3 other nonprofits to discuss this further.  They’re trying to bring different people in for that holiday weekend.

Callahan suggests letting in any Salem nonprofits to vend at the Common without having to do through the SCNA.

Talkowsky added that they are starting neighborhood concerts, to be sponsored by the SCNA.  

Adding another Witches Circle on Halloween night.  2-6 (Lori Bruno) & 5-7 (Christian Day)

Is interested in holding a dog costume contest. Marsha Finkelstein will call her.  Tuttle suggested Penelope’s

Burke motions to approve. Tuttle Seconds.  Approved unanimously.

Alex Spear –Filming Request

Senior at Emerson College. For his senior thesis, he’s interested in using the Mack Park house to shoot a movie “6 Shots”.

Shea  asked about insurance and Spear said yes, through Emerson College.

Burke asked how safe the house was and Talkowsky said it seems ok.

Partanen asked about using the basement and Spear said no.

Shea asked about the timing and would the Park & Rec get film credit and speak replied yes.

Dates are Oct 18-20th 7am-7pm (later last day to clean up)

Everitt asked about gun sounds and Spear responded that there won’t be any since they’re using fake guns and putting in sound during post-production.

Shea asked that if they damage building would they make sure they fix it and Spear agreed they would.

Shea asked about the people, cast and crew details.

Callahan asked Partanen if there were any costs to Park & Rec and Partanen said no, that they’d just open it up and let them do the filming.

Talkowsky added that they can have the trash guys visit.

Everitt motions to approve, Callahan seconds.  Approved unanimously.

Amy “Gypsy” Ravish – Gallows Hill Park

Callahan motions to have her come in to present and Burke seconds.  Passes (4-2)

Superintendent’s Report

Review monthly revenue reports

Burke asked if they could print minutes out. Partanen said she’ll do whatever we need.  It was determined that Partanen will print out a few extra copies and make them available at future meetings

Gallows Hill Repairs – Swings and Gazebo

Request was to tear it down, replace the swings and gazebo. They got a $17,000 grant.  There’s structural damage to the gazebo and it came back as $12,400.  Shea asked what the threshold was and Partanen replied that the entire summer house will take up the $17,000 in the budget.

Callahan suggests it may be a historic structure.  

Shea clarified that we don’t have enough money to do the repairs.  Partanen showed a photo of a park in Melrose as part of the original plan.  

Shea commented that perhaps we should tear down the gazebo and put the structure in that Partanen suggested.  But, Callahan said it might be historic, so that’s a problem.  Shea will look at the structure and the discussion is tabled.

Road Races

Partanen said that she’s spoken to Councilor Legault about charging for the road races.  Partanen put together information for the City Council that summarizes for them the details of the event and other city events what’s going on. Callahan said that Partanen is making more work for herself when these events are ultimately approved by the City Council. Suggests the applications be sent/approved by the City Council and that we’re the middle man.  Partanen suggests that going through Park & Rec is better since Park & Rec has control over the calendar.  City Council wants to implement a $200 fee for road races.

Callahan asked what happens to the application fee if the City Council rejects the applicant and Burke said it was returned.

Parks & Facility

Tobacco Free Playgrounds

Partanen asked if anyone objects to tobacco free zones for park playgrounds.  The Commission agreed that this is to be self-managed.  Burke asked about location of signage.  Partanen replied that she’d place it appropriately and clarify the language of the signs.  Burke added that the language needs to specify that it’s in the children’s play area.  Tuttle agrees that this is a good idea.  Burke suggests that the language be clarified to encompass the children’s play area.

Everitt motions and Tuttle seconds. Passes unanimously.

Olde Salem Greens

Golf course budget is depleted. Due to vandalism and repairs.

Callahan motions to send letter and Everitt seconds. Passes unanimously

Thank you letter came in to golf course.

Letter came in about creating a BMX bike park.  Callahan says we should say no at this time.

New Business

Burke said that the BSA wants to work on a bridge repair.  

Executive Session

Callahan motions to go into Executive Session with Burke seconding.

Mack Park House

Callahan asked about the price of boilers, repairs, etc. and where is that coming from.  
Partanen responded that the Mayor’s on board with getting the house livable.  The building inspector needs to get over there.
Tuttle was concerned that we were spending a lot of money on insurance and Partanen agreed.
Tuttle added that we’re providing capital improvements and tenants would provide maintenance

Tuttle commented that she knows the Stroms are Salem residents and also stated that the other couple are from the “Moose Lodge“ in Salem.  

Shea asked if they would they move in there and Partanen said yes.

Tuttle likes that it’s being used by the community/Salem and the connection with will of the people who willed it.

Shea likes that each candidate is a couple and that’s 2 vs. one.

Shea asked how we do this and Partanen wants to do this.  

Partanen commented that the Stroms seemed real.  

Shea called for a vote.

Callahan commented that he’s voting present on this and that this should never have been taken away from Park & Rec.  He further commented that this is simply on principle.

Burke makes a motion that based on the Superintendent’s recommendation that the Stroms be selected.  Tuttle seconds.  Approved by a vote of 4-1. Callahan votes present.

Partanen also added that if they turn it down, do we want to select a second.  

Everitt motioned to come out of Executive Session and Burke seconds.

New Business:

Partanen expressed concern about the lack of care and smell of Camp Naumgkeg.  Partanen said that the YMCA camp was there this past summer.  Partanen also stated that the repairs done didn’t seem to match what was budgeted but

Callahan commented that this is something to consider for renewing a lease.

Shea said the issue is that the YMCA was supposed to do $10,000 of work on the property and it doesn’t seem like it was done.

Tuttle commented that she will join Partanen to visit the site.

Adjournment at 7:59pm

Next Meeting October 15, 2013